Impressions of second LAMASUS Stakeholder Workshop

The LAMASUS Stakeholder Board Workshop was held on 7-8 March 2024.

Key takeaways of the First LAMASUS Stakeholder Workshop held in April 2023

Roundtables and intensive discussions shaping the path for LAMASUS project

Stakeholder Board


Over the duration of the project, LAMASUS organizes thematic stakeholder engagement workshops with actors from various fields: land owners and managers (e.g. farmers), business and industries, NGOS and civil society, national policy implementation agencies, interest groups, and researchers.


Stakeholders are involved in the discussion of land management strategies, the design of tools and pathways, and their social and political acceptability. Stakeholders also have the widest possible access to results through the LAMASUS portal.


Benedikt Rausch

Ministry of Agriculture, Austria

Blandine Camus


Costas Apostolopoulos

Evaluation Helpdesk

Dimosthenis Chachalis

BPI, Greece

Eric Dortmans

Farmer, Netherlands

Finn Odegard

Norwegian Blue Forests Network

Harm Smit

France Nature Environnement

Helga Pülzl

European Forest Institute

Ingrīda Brēmere

Baltic Environmental Forum, Latvia

Jean-Luc Peyron

Académie de l'agriculture de France

Johannes Hangler

Ministry of Agriculture, Austria

Jure Cus

Ministry of Agriculture, Slovenia

Jurgen Tack

European Land Owners Association

Justyna Góral

Warsaw School of Economics, Poland

Karsten Padeken

Farmer, Kreislandvolk Weserwmarsch

Knut Ehlers

UBA, Germany

Knut Oistad

Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research

Kostas Kravvas

Farmer, Greece

Laszlo Galhidy

WWF, Hungary

Marilda Dhaskali


Niels Peter Nørring

Danish Agriculture & Food Council, Denmark

Nils Kristian Nersten

Orkla, Norway

Phillip O'Brien

Climate Change Advisory Council , Ireland

Remco Schreuder, Netherlands

Sandra Eimane

Shairwoman of the Board of the Latvian Young farmers' club

Susanne Schonhart

Chamber of Agriculture, Austria

Thomas Böcker

Chamber of Agriculture, NRW, Germany

Zeno Piatti-Fünfkirchen

Land & Forstbetriebe, Austria