Meeting of the Policy Advisory Board

An overview of the meeting topics.

Views from the LAMASUS Policy Board

The LAMASUS Policy Advisory Board met during the LAMASUS General Assembly meeting on November 28-29, 2023. The Policy Advisory Board provided guidance and feedback for key project achievements. A summary is available here.

LAMASUS Policy Advisory Board member Tassos Haniotis discusses the importance of setting a credible baseline for EU agriculture policy

For the assessment of commodity markets and the green transition, providing a reliable baseline of EU agriculture is essential. There is a need to incorporate food inflation, energy shifts, Ukraine and recent CAP changes in such a baseline.

LAMASUS Policy Advisory Board member Tassos Haniotis was awarded the EAAE fellowship

LAMASUS Policy Advisory Board member Tassos Haniotis, awarded the EAAE fellowship at the EAAE Congress in RENNES in recognition of his relevant and continuous contribution to the advancement of agricultural economics

Policy Advisory Board


The LAMASUS Policy Advisory Board (PAB) gathers EU-level policy makers and agencies. PAB members provide updates on the evolution of the policy context, advise the Consortium to maximize the policy relevance of project outputs, and provide feedback on the policy options considered, the LAMASUS Portal, and project results.

PAB members are providing their feedback during the two-day annual consortium meetings and will also meet online once a year to provide feedback on specific project output.