LAMASUS project presented at the clustering event organized by DG AGRI, European Commission on 25. October 2023, Brussels
In the recent years, several R&I project were funded under Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe which work provides a toolbox of data and models in support of policies related to agriculture. Some projects are heading towards the end and results were be presented and discussed, while others are ongoing or kicking off (LAMASUS amongst them) and would benefit from input on the research needs from the policy perspective.
As the discussions on the future CAP beyond 2027 start, it was timely to organise this clustering workshop with all the relevant Horizon projects.
The main objectives of the clustering workshop were to:
– ensure policy feedback by presenting and discussing the projects and their results with policymakers;
– foster networking and collaboration between the projects and with policymakers.
Dr. Tamás Krisztin, the Scientific Coordinator of LAMASUS project presented the project outlook on how it supports policies related to agriculture including:
- Objectives of the project and research questions
- Design of the project, with focus on methodological approach
- Data needs
Full presentation is available here.
Participants: representatives of the relevant projects and policymakers from across the European Commission services, in particular DG AGRI, DG ENV, DG JRC, DG CLIMA, DG TRADE, DG INTPA, DG SANTE.