LAMASUS project presented at the MIND-STEP project final event, 26. October 2023 Brussels
Dr. Tamás Krisztin, Scientific coordinator of LAMASUS project at the MIND-STEP project final event, 26. October 2023 Brussels on the topic “Enhancing Micro-economic Insights for Market Models and Utilizing the MIND STEP Model Toolbox,” exploring its impact on agricultural policies.”
The MIND STEP team has developed a set of results, including a toolbox of data and models for the analysis of EU agricultural and environmental policy with a focus on the farm scale and behaviour of the individual farmer. The objective of the final conference was to discuss results from the MIND STEP project at different scales and to discuss policy recommendations. The contributions of MIND STEP towards answering challenges and opportunities associated with sustainable agriculture and identifying innovative solutions that can be implemented at various scales were presented. The project contributed to create a new kind of technical, agronomical, environmental and economic modelling to build bridges between stakeholders in the policy process and policy design.
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